Global Institute of Engineering and Technology (GIT)

  • AQAR

Administration Services

The Administrative Department of the college is headed by the Administrative Officer. The Administrative Office serves as the back bone of the Institution by handling Student Service, HR, Purchase, Despatch and all official correspondences with the regulatory bodies such as AICTE, DTE, Anna University, etc. The department is well computerized with an exclusive file management system for staff and students.

Students may contact the office for


The College library is located in a spacious new building of 9000 Sq. ft. The library is open to students and staff members from 7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on all working days. The library has a rich collection of around 52,600 volumes of text books, reference books, national and international journals in all branches of Engineering, Science, Technology, Management and General Studies, and the collection is ever increasing. The books are classified according to Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme. Open access system is followed in the library.

AICTE recommended list of suggested boooks of Indian Authors & Publishers

Periodicals Section
The library has separate periodicals section and subscribes 5943 Journals of which 5713 International and 230 National Journals, 5702 E-Journals. The library receives regularly Journals, News letters from following organizations and societies and provides the staff and students latest information’s in technical education, research and development activities.


The college is equipped with a fully functional vegetarian canteen to serve hygienically prepared food to the staff and students. A subsidized mess is also operative in the campus. A separate mess for boys has been provided.


We have separate hostel for boys and girls. The hostel can accommodate 500 boys and 200 girls. Single room accommodation is given to the final year and PG students. They are also permitted to use their own computers in their own rooms. The mess is spacious with a dining hall and kitchen. Separate seating arrangements are made for both boys and girls.

Rules and Regulations:



05:00 A.M. to 07:00 A.M.

06:00 P.M. to 07:00 P.M.

09:00 P.M. to 10:30 P.M.

06:00 P.M. to 07:00 P.M.

Hostel Mess

Hostel Mess is run by the Management through private contractor under the guidance of the Principal and Administrative officer. Vegetarian food is served in the hostel. Mess charges are collected on an annual basis at the time of admission. Parents and guests are allowed to consume food by paying for them.


A full fledged Transport department functions in the college with buses to provide transport facility to students and staff from various places. This service is offered ensuring a hassle-free and safe transportation.

The College runs 85 buses for providing transport facility to students from various places in the city. The number of buses will be increased corresponding to the increase in the intake of students.

For bus related queries, please contact :

Mr. A.K. Jeyaram  

L. Ramajeyam 
Mr. A. Natarajan 

Transport Department

IT Infrastructure

Internet & Intranet

Our college has a dedicated internet lab working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We provide free internet access to our students. We have 1155 Mbps 1:1 dedicated leased line internet connectivity (1 Gbps from Tata and 155 Mbps from Vodafone Idea). The internet can be accessed from more than 2000 computers. All the departments have internet connectivity.

PCs / Laptops

The college has more than 2000 Desktop PCs / Laptops in the campus in various academic blocks connected through fibre optic backbone. Internet access is provided to all the computers.


College has purchased adequate numbers of licenses for the licensed software according to the curriculum. All the laboratories have been deployed with licensed software to cater to the needs of lab classes, research work training, certification program. We have started migrating from the proprietory software to Free and Open Source Software 10 years back and as a result, most of our computers are operated only on Open Source Technologies now. We are using free and open source software in replacement of commercial software wherever possible. We have installed proprietory software in some labs to explore the latest technologies to the students and faculty.


We have also provided a free 24×7 Wi-Fi facility in the entire campus (including hostels, cafeteria, seminar halls, auditorium) for the benefit of the students and faculty to avail internet connection from anywhere in the campus. The campus intranet has important details about Test Schedules, Time Tables, Examination Schedules, Campus News etc., and a wealth of information about the college.

Data Center

The institution has Centre of Technical Support with Data Centre built with an area of 900Sq.Ft, to manage network operations efficiently and hosts all the Rack & Blade servers with uninterrupted power supply. Server infrastructure includes high power There is 4 TB of NAS storage for Backup.


The Cyberoam 300ING firewall has been deployed for handling enhanced load on Network and Applications catering to academic and Administrative processes, thereby providing a secure campus.

ICT Facilities

Class rooms / Seminar halls are equipped with interactive panels, smartboards, Lecture capturing system and also LCD projectors to deliver presentations.

Biometric / Barcode Scanners

Biometric Systems for staff attendance has been implemented across the campus. Barcode Scanners are available in the Library for issue/return or books and to capture the entry/exit movement of the students and faculty.

Centre for Technical Support

All the IT related activites including network, hardware, software, interactive panels, projectors, UPS and IT maintenance comes under Centre for Technical Support(CTS).

Health Centre

The Health Centre here at Rajalakshmi Engineering College is well equipped. It has separate inpatient facility for male and female students. The health centre provides quality health care in a comfortable and confidential environment. The centre has 6 beds and adequately supplied medicine cabinet.

The health centre is manned by a medical officer and a healthcare assistant to provide excellent medical care to all the students, staff and faculty at no cost. The Medical Officer Dr. R. Nandini manages the various aspects of the facility. She provides quality health care to everyone, evaluates the quality of services, maintains the overall efficiency of the centre and decides the procedures to be followed in case of emergency. Also, vaccinations and yearly checks ups are done at this facility. In the future we look forward in expanding and bringing in high-tech medical equipments to serve better the students of our college.


Our round-the-clock security provides a safe learning environment by protecting the students, staff and physical assets, while encouraging positive behaviour that fosters academic excellence.


Lecture Capturing System

REC has procured licenses for Google Workspace for Education: Teaching and Learning Upgrade to conduct classes / courses in online mode. REC has always been a TECHNOLOGY FIRST INSTITUTION, for the first time in CHENNAI, introduced the Lecture Capturing System (LCS) in 2019, as a part of digital transformation to enhance the learning experience of the students and to revamp the teaching style of the faculty to offer better contextual and relevant content.

REC-LCS is an amazing way to extend material beyond the walls of the classroom. Students can access their education content anytime, anywhere and can learn at their own pace by simply logging in to the REC-LCS. Some students need to hear information more than once for it to sink in. Others get new information that recontextualizes earlier material, and need to go back and get everything to fit. REC-LCS makes it easy for the students to watch as many times as they need to. They can even watch the video at a slower/faster pace if they want. Giving them control over how fast they can watch makes for more efficient study habits.

Impartus web application is a video-based learning platform that enables educators to capture, edit, and distribute content. It provides students the deeper understanding of their topics as they review classroom content at any time, from anywhere. The platform of impartus web application is designed around real users and real learning needs, with robust security features to protect your identity. Few unique features of the impartus web application include automated lecture capture, remote access, live streaming, attachments, notes, video editing, bookmarks, search, playlist, and so on.

Green Campus

Rajalakshmi Engineering College has adopted many green cover initiatives, thereby enriching the eco-friendly ambience of the Campus. Parking facilities are created for two and four wheelers separately for both faculties and students outside the campus near entrance. Vehicle parking sign boards are stationed at respective places. Security people are assigned duties on every turn to ensure restricted entry of automobiles in no parking areas.

Staff members and students use bicycles/battery powered four-wheeler inside the campus to reduce CO2 emission and maintain fresh air inside the campus.

The students and the faculty are advised to use pedestrian friendly pathways for convenience and safety. Landscaping with trees is designed either side of the pathway to provide shade for the pedestrians while walking, to add greenery and to control pollution inside the campus.

The college has made many efforts to achieve plastic free environment. Circulars are given to minimize the usage of plastic by all stake holders inside campus. Posters are placed in the campus everywhere to motivate and to create awareness among our stakeholders to avoid plastic inside campus. Dustbins are also replaced with biodegradable plastics and steel dustbins to promote ban on plastics.

The college always concentrate on planting trees and making the environment green. The campus has nearly 3200 trees to support flora and fauna species and to support green initiatives.

The observations indicated that the Rajalakshmi Engineering College campus has more than 30-50% of wild, 50-60% native plant species and the other 20-25% plant species are ornamental in nature coming under the planted vegetation. Native plant traits promote the indigenous fauna at the site area. Hence, the accountancy of 35% of the wild traits are leveraged for the native animals and birds. There are 211 species of creepers, plants, shrubs and trees in the campus.

The most plants recorded are Azadirachta indica A. Juss., Tamarindus indica, Pongamia pinnata, Cassia fistula, which are dominant trees species characteristic to the vegetation within the campus. Some of the shrub species like Nerium oleander L., Nerium indicum Mill, Punica granatum are also rather common in the campus.

Ground flora is comparatively sparse, but fairly rich in undistributed areas. Some of the common weeds like Euphorbhia hirta L., is found to be predominant. Species such as Catharanthus roseus, Cynodon dactylon are some common herbs in the campus. Certain common climbers found among the shrubs are Abutilon indicum L., Adhatoda vasica, Anisomeles malabarica, Coccinia grandis L., Cardiospermum halicacabum, Tinospora cordifolia (wild.), Toddalia asiatica L.,and Citrullus landaus (Thumb.), This campus is rich in grass species like Andropogon pumilis, Apluda mutica, Cenchrus ciliaris, Rottboellia cochinchinensis (Lour.), Asparagus racemosus Wild., and Commelina benghalensis L.

Energy Conservation

The Alternative Energy Sources of Rajalakshmi Engineering College is made for proper implementation and efficient utilization of renewable energy sources in such a systematic way so as to minimize its impact on the environment. An alternative Energy source offers the opportunities for student’s community to engage in initiatives for contributing to environmental protection.

Solar Energy

Ours is an Energy shortfall solar PV system.

Solar PV system is designed for automatic operation with no need for user interaction. In the case of main grid supply failure, the inverter will be automatically and immediately disabled. This is known as anti-islanding. Once the power has been restored, the inverter will be automatically re-enabled.

Use of LED Bulb

Led Bulbs are used to save energy upto 90% of electrical power and highly illuminated and efficient when compared to radiant light bulbs. They are highly efficient. LED bulbs are used in various places in the college for achieving proper lightings. The CFL fittings with higher rating wattage are replaced with LED fittings with lower wattage with the same luminous level .They are used in large numbers in Admin office, reception, seminar halls and corridors. LED lights are fitted on the roof walls in all the places.

Water Conservation

Our college has very good water management plan to support all our water needs including both ladies and gent’s hostel. The water management is well supported with rain water harvesting and sump. The ground water is circulated to all overhead tanks using borewells. The college also has a sewage treatment plant to do water recycling and use it for watering plants and to support green energy.

The rainwater is harvested to charge the rain water into the soil for ground water recharging. The storage of rainwater on surface is a traditional techniques and structures used were underground tanks, ponds, check dams, weirs etc. Due to certain difficulties on going ahead with traditional techniques the campus has installed 16 to 18 numbers of ground water recharging pits to recharge storm water/rainwater to maximum extent.

The borewells are constructed in water abundant points inside and outside college. The ground water was pumped to sump using borewell. There are totally 8 sumps inside the college to support water necessities to cover all blocks of the college including hostel. The sump and borewell are periodically monitored and maintained by plumbers and civil maintenance people to take immediate actions. The sump water is loaded to overhead tanks.

From the sump water is collected in overhead tank constructed at the top of each block. All blocks have overhead tanks to support water necessities. The water from overhead tank is separately treated by RO plant for drinking purpose. The drinking water is supplied in all blocks. A well-arranged pipe network connecting sumps and overhead tank to the water distributing point is established to support all water needs of the college.

The institution always has a motto in saving water for future. In this regard a Wastewater treatment plant of capacity 300KLD is available at the campus with present utilization value of about 2,10,000 litres per day. The technology that has been adopted this WWTP is FMBR (Floating Media Bioreactor) technology for the treatment of domestic sewage and other waste waters. This technology ensures that the quality of the treated water confirms to the standards and requirements as laid out by Central/State pollution control board and the same has been reviewed and approved by NABL authorized laboratory on periodic basis to ensure on the quality. The water recycled was used to gardening (70%), flushing toilets in Academic block (10%) and other custodial purposes like hardscape cleaning, washing etc. (30%).

Academic Infrastructure

The cultural club is intensive on bringing the students musical talents to explore and achieve balance between academics and extracurricular activities. The club organizes various cultural events regularly across many different fields in music, dance and fine arts to showcase their talents in trendy fashion in the Auditorium. The college has its own Musical Band Unison which regularly participates in various contests and has won various prizes. They are provided with some instruments with which they can practice. Dance teams also participated and won prizes thereby exhibiting their talents in the intra and inter college level shows. These cultural activities play a major part in the overall development of the students helping them to evolve into full-fledged and confident professionals by the time they graduate.

The Department of Physical Education plays an important role in shaping the personality and good health of student’s life by providing an environment which measures National standards on campus. The outdoor facilities are 2,90,627sq ft. and indoor facilities are 14,364 sq ft. with proper equipment for all major sports like basketball, football, volleyball, ball badminton, futsal, Cricket, Chess, Table Tennis, and Badminton. Students are motivated to participate in the All India University level, south zone Inter University level Tournaments, Anna University zonal level tournaments, and other open tournaments and have won many awards adding to the prestige of the Institution. Every year Sports day is celebrated in which Inter departmental tournaments are organized. Eminent sports personalities are invited as Chief Guest to honour the outstanding sports persons. Yoga day is celebrated every year to improve the students’ physical and mental faculties.

Gymnasium facilities are available in both boys and girls hostel. It is well equipped with equipment needed for building strength, burning fat, and improving general fitness and for sports conditions. Additional facilities like Hostel, Day care, ATM, Cafeteria, Medical aid, Reprography, Solar panel, RO plant, Sewage treatment plant, Generator, Fire safety, Rain water harvesting, Biogas, E vehicle and security services are provided. College has 61.75 KW Solar PV System and 50 KW inverter support electrical facility.

Hostel can accommodate 500 boys and 200 girls. Single room accommodation is given to the final year and PG students. The mess is spacious with a dining hall and kitchen. Cafeteria serves hygienically prepared vegetarian food to the staff and students. A subsidized mess for boys has been provided. There is a separate Transport department with a fleet of 115 buses, 91 A/C and 24 Non AC buses commuting to all parts of Chennai and neighbouring districts. Transportation and Lunch are provided free of cost to students and staff.

Health Centre has inpatient facility which provides medical care to all the students, staff and faculty at no cost. It is manned by a medical officer, a healthcare assistant with 6 beds and adequately supplied medicine cabinet ensuring quality care. Vaccinations and yearly checks ups are done at this facility.

Security services monitors and controls access to campus, through surveillance and video surveillance, managing parking permit and vehicle identification which provides a safe learning environment for the students, staff, and physical assets, while encouraging positive behavior that fosters academic excellence.


Rajalakshmi Engineering College strives to maintain Academic and Physical facilities for the better utilization of the available resources and to minimize depreciation of the facilities.

The college is having an estate office headed by an Estate Officer to maintain all physical facilities. Systematic procedures have been developed for maintaining the academic facilities. Respective Heads of various departments and Librarian are taking care of academic facilities.

In addition to the available maintenance team of the college, the college also have signed agreement for annual maintenance of Lifts, Diesel Generator sets, etc. Laboratories are cleaned on daily basis. Periodical maintenance of equipment is done regularly on daily / weekly basis while Breakdown maintenance is done in case of failures. Maintenance Register is maintained in all the laboratories of all departments/divisions. Internal stock verification is done every year by a committee constituted by the Principal and follow up action is taken on the committee’s recommendations. All the labs are painted and upkeep of materials is done regularly. Necessary equipment are calibrated periodically.

Classrooms are cleaned and maintained on daily basis. The ICT tools, interactive panels, LCD, Lecture capboards available in the classrooms are maintained by the Centre for Technical Support (CTS) of the college. Estate office is taking care of civil maintenance, electrical maintenance and housekeeping of classrooms.

The college library is classified with different stacks for Science, Humanities, Engineering and Management, reference and competitive examinations. The books are marked with unique accession number and are arranged in respective subject racks.

The Sports Complex is headed by a Physical Director to maintain the sports complex. All sports facilities like play fields, courts, tracks, gym, indoor stadium, etc. are regularly maintained with the help of skilled labours and a marker. The entire sports infrastructure, its stock and maintenance are carried out under the headship of Physical Director and a Physical Directress. 200 m tracks and fields are watered and rolled once in a week. Basketball court is cleaned everyday and painted every year. Futsal court is maintained regularly. Throwball, Volleyball, Ball Badminton Court are watered and markings are done regularly. Also the wood dust powders are sprinkled on the Ground surface. Handball, Hockey and Football fields are cleaned, watered and rolled once in a week. Cricket ground with two net practice area is maintained regularly. Gym equipment are cleaned and lubricated every day. Indoor sports facilities are maintained every day.

Transport department is headed by a Transport Manager. The maintenance works of all Buses, Cars, Vans and Diesel Bunk is taken care of by the Transport department. Reverse Osmosis (RO) treated water is supplied to all the buildings and the maintenance of RO Plant is taken care of by the Estate Officer. Sewage Treatment Plant of the college is run and maintained by a team of technicians.

Housekeeping team of the college is taking care of sweeping around academic buildings, library, hostels, canteens and cafeterias. The large number of trees and plants are maintained by the college to make the campus green. Other facilities like Canteen, Cafeterias, Medical Centre, ATM, Child Day Care, Stores, etc. are maintained periodically.

Administration Services

The Administrative Department of the college is headed by the Administrative Officer. The Administrative Office serves as the back bone of the Institution by handling Student Service, HR, Purchase, Despatch and all official correspondences with the regulatory bodies such as AICTE, DTE, Anna University, etc. The department is well computerized with an exclusive file management system for staff and students.

Students may contact the office for


The College library is located in a spacious new building of 9000 Sq. ft. The library is open to students and staff members from 7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on all working days. The library has a rich collection of around 52,600 volumes of text books, reference books, national and international journals in all branches of Engineering, Science, Technology, Management and General Studies, and the collection is ever increasing. The books are classified according to Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme. Open access system is followed in the library.

AICTE recommended list of suggested boooks of Indian Authors & Publishers

Periodicals Section
The library has separate periodicals section and subscribes 5943 Journals of which 5713 International and 230 National Journals, 5702 E-Journals. The library receives regularly Journals, News letters from following organizations and societies and provides the staff and students latest information’s in technical education, research and development activities.



We have separate hostel for boys and girls. The hostel can accommodate 500 boys and 200 girls. Single room accommodation is given to the final year and PG students. They are also permitted to use their own computers in their own rooms. The mess is spacious with a dining hall and kitchen. Separate seating arrangements are made for both boys and girls.

Rules and Regulations:



05:00 A.M. to 07:00 A.M.

06:00 P.M. to 07:00 P.M.

09:00 P.M. to 10:30 P.M.

06:00 P.M. to 07:00 P.M.

Hostel Mess

Hostel Mess is run by the Management through private contractor under the guidance of the Principal and Administrative officer. Vegetarian food is served in the hostel. Mess charges are collected on an annual basis at the time of admission. Parents and guests are allowed to consume food by paying for them.

Health Centre

The Health Centre here at Rajalakshmi Engineering College is well equipped. It has separate inpatient facility for male and female students. The health centre provides quality health care in a comfortable and confidential environment. The centre has 6 beds and adequately supplied medicine cabinet.

The health centre is manned by a medical officer and a healthcare assistant to provide excellent medical care to all the students, staff and faculty at no cost. The Medical Officer Dr. R. Nandini manages the various aspects of the facility. She provides quality health care to everyone, evaluates the quality of services, maintains the overall efficiency of the centre and decides the procedures to be followed in case of emergency. Also, vaccinations and yearly checks ups are done at this facility. In the future we look forward in expanding and bringing in high-tech medical equipments to serve better the students of our college.


Our round-the-clock security provides a safe learning environment by protecting the students, staff and physical assets, while encouraging positive behaviour that fosters academic excellence.


REC has procured licenses for Google Workspace for Education: Teaching and Learning Upgrade to conduct classes / courses in online mode. REC has always been a TECHNOLOGY FIRST INSTITUTION, for the first time in CHENNAI, introduced the Lecture Capturing System (LCS) in 2019, as a part of digital transformation to enhance the learning experience of the students and to revamp the teaching style of the faculty to offer better contextual and relevant content.

REC-LCS is an amazing way to extend material beyond the walls of the classroom. Students can access their education content anytime, anywhere and can learn at their own pace by simply logging in to the REC-LCS. Some students need to hear information more than once for it to sink in. Others get new information that recontextualizes earlier material, and need to go back and get everything to fit. REC-LCS makes it easy for the students to watch as many times as they need to. They can even watch the video at a slower/faster pace if they want. Giving them control over how fast they can watch makes for more efficient study habits.

Impartus web application is a video-based learning platform that enables educators to capture, edit, and distribute content. It provides students the deeper understanding of their topics as they review classroom content at any time, from anywhere. The platform of impartus web application is designed around real users and real learning needs, with robust security features to protect your identity. Few unique features of the impartus web application include automated lecture capture, remote access, live streaming, attachments, notes, video editing, bookmarks, search, playlist, and so on.


A full fledged Transport department functions in the college with buses to provide transport facility to students and staff from various places. This service is offered ensuring a hassle-free and safe transportation.

The College runs 85 buses for providing transport facility to students from various places in the city. The number of buses will be increased corresponding to the increase in the intake of students.

For bus related queries, please contact :

Mr. A.K. Jeyaram  

L. Ramajeyam 
Mr. A. Natarajan 

Transport Department

IT Infrastructure

Internet & Intranet

Our college has a dedicated internet lab working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We provide free internet access to our students. We have 1155 Mbps 1:1 dedicated leased line internet connectivity (1 Gbps from Tata and 155 Mbps from Vodafone Idea). The internet can be accessed from more than 2000 computers. All the departments have internet connectivity.

PCs / Laptops

The college has more than 2000 Desktop PCs / Laptops in the campus in various academic blocks connected through fibre optic backbone. Internet access is provided to all the computers.


College has purchased adequate numbers of licenses for the licensed software according to the curriculum. All the laboratories have been deployed with licensed software to cater to the needs of lab classes, research work training, certification program. We have started migrating from the proprietory software to Free and Open Source Software 10 years back and as a result, most of our computers are operated only on Open Source Technologies now. We are using free and open source software in replacement of commercial software wherever possible. We have installed proprietory software in some labs to explore the latest technologies to the students and faculty.


We have also provided a free 24×7 Wi-Fi facility in the entire campus (including hostels, cafeteria, seminar halls, auditorium) for the benefit of the students and faculty to avail internet connection from anywhere in the campus. The campus intranet has important details about Test Schedules, Time Tables, Examination Schedules, Campus News etc., and a wealth of information about the college.

Data Center

The institution has Centre of Technical Support with Data Centre built with an area of 900Sq.Ft, to manage network operations efficiently and hosts all the Rack & Blade servers with uninterrupted power supply. Server infrastructure includes high power There is 4 TB of NAS storage for Backup.


The Cyberoam 300ING firewall has been deployed for handling enhanced load on Network and Applications catering to academic and Administrative processes, thereby providing a secure campus.

ICT Facilities

Class rooms / Seminar halls are equipped with interactive panels, smartboards, Lecture capturing system and also LCD projectors to deliver presentations.

Biometric / Barcode Scanners

Biometric Systems for staff attendance has been implemented across the campus. Barcode Scanners are available in the Library for issue/return or books and to capture the entry/exit movement of the students and faculty.

Centre for Technical Support

All the IT related activites including network, hardware, software, interactive panels, projectors, UPS and IT maintenance comes under Centre for Technical Support(CTS).

Green Campus

Rajalakshmi Engineering College has adopted many green cover initiatives, thereby enriching the eco-friendly ambience of the Campus. Parking facilities are created for two and four wheelers separately for both faculties and students outside the campus near entrance. Vehicle parking sign boards are stationed at respective places. Security people are assigned duties on every turn to ensure restricted entry of automobiles in no parking areas.

Staff members and students use bicycles/battery powered four-wheeler inside the campus to reduce CO2 emission and maintain fresh air inside the campus.

The students and the faculty are advised to use pedestrian friendly pathways for convenience and safety. Landscaping with trees is designed either side of the pathway to provide shade for the pedestrians while walking, to add greenery and to control pollution inside the campus.

The college has made many efforts to achieve plastic free environment. Circulars are given to minimize the usage of plastic by all stake holders inside campus. Posters are placed in the campus everywhere to motivate and to create awareness among our stakeholders to avoid plastic inside campus. Dustbins are also replaced with biodegradable plastics and steel dustbins to promote ban on plastics.

The college always concentrate on planting trees and making the environment green. The campus has nearly 3200 trees to support flora and fauna species and to support green initiatives.

The observations indicated that the Rajalakshmi Engineering College campus has more than 30-50% of wild, 50-60% native plant species and the other 20-25% plant species are ornamental in nature coming under the planted vegetation. Native plant traits promote the indigenous fauna at the site area. Hence, the accountancy of 35% of the wild traits are leveraged for the native animals and birds. There are 211 species of creepers, plants, shrubs and trees in the campus.

The most plants recorded are Azadirachta indica A. Juss., Tamarindus indica, Pongamia pinnata, Cassia fistula, which are dominant trees species characteristic to the vegetation within the campus. Some of the shrub species like Nerium oleander L., Nerium indicum Mill, Punica granatum are also rather common in the campus.

Ground flora is comparatively sparse, but fairly rich in undistributed areas. Some of the common weeds like Euphorbhia hirta L., is found to be predominant. Species such as Catharanthus roseus, Cynodon dactylon are some common herbs in the campus. Certain common climbers found among the shrubs are Abutilon indicum L., Adhatoda vasica, Anisomeles malabarica, Coccinia grandis L., Cardiospermum halicacabum, Tinospora cordifolia (wild.), Toddalia asiatica L.,and Citrullus landaus (Thumb.), This campus is rich in grass species like Andropogon pumilis, Apluda mutica, Cenchrus ciliaris, Rottboellia cochinchinensis (Lour.), Asparagus racemosus Wild., and Commelina benghalensis L.

Energy Conservation

The Alternative Energy Sources of Rajalakshmi Engineering College is made for proper implementation and efficient utilization of renewable energy sources in such a systematic way so as to minimize its impact on the environment. An alternative Energy source offers the opportunities for student’s community to engage in initiatives for contributing to environmental protection.

Solar Energy

Ours is an Energy shortfall solar PV system.

Solar PV system is designed for automatic operation with no need for user interaction. In the case of main grid supply failure, the inverter will be automatically and immediately disabled. This is known as anti-islanding. Once the power has been restored, the inverter will be automatically re-enabled.

Use of LED Bulb

Led Bulbs are used to save energy upto 90% of electrical power and highly illuminated and efficient when compared to radiant light bulbs. They are highly efficient. LED bulbs are used in various places in the college for achieving proper lightings. The CFL fittings with higher rating wattage are replaced with LED fittings with lower wattage with the same luminous level .They are used in large numbers in Admin office, reception, seminar halls and corridors. LED lights are fitted on the roof walls in all the places.

Water Conservation

Our college has very good water management plan to support all our water needs including both ladies and gent’s hostel. The water management is well supported with rain water harvesting and sump. The ground water is circulated to all overhead tanks using borewells. The college also has a sewage treatment plant to do water recycling and use it for watering plants and to support green energy.

The rainwater is harvested to charge the rain water into the soil for ground water recharging. The storage of rainwater on surface is a traditional techniques and structures used were underground tanks, ponds, check dams, weirs etc. Due to certain difficulties on going ahead with traditional techniques the campus has installed 16 to 18 numbers of ground water recharging pits to recharge storm water/rainwater to maximum extent.

The borewells are constructed in water abundant points inside and outside college. The ground water was pumped to sump using borewell. There are totally 8 sumps inside the college to support water necessities to cover all blocks of the college including hostel. The sump and borewell are periodically monitored and maintained by plumbers and civil maintenance people to take immediate actions. The sump water is loaded to overhead tanks.

From the sump water is collected in overhead tank constructed at the top of each block. All blocks have overhead tanks to support water necessities. The water from overhead tank is separately treated by RO plant for drinking purpose. The drinking water is supplied in all blocks. A well-arranged pipe network connecting sumps and overhead tank to the water distributing point is established to support all water needs of the college.

The institution always has a motto in saving water for future. In this regard a Wastewater treatment plant of capacity 300KLD is available at the campus with present utilization value of about 2,10,000 litres per day. The technology that has been adopted this WWTP is FMBR (Floating Media Bioreactor) technology for the treatment of domestic sewage and other waste waters. This technology ensures that the quality of the treated water confirms to the standards and requirements as laid out by Central/State pollution control board and the same has been reviewed and approved by NABL authorized laboratory on periodic basis to ensure on the quality. The water recycled was used to gardening (70%), flushing toilets in Academic block (10%) and other custodial purposes like hardscape cleaning, washing etc. (30%).

Academic Infrastructure

The cultural club is intensive on bringing the students musical talents to explore and achieve balance between academics and extracurricular activities. The club organizes various cultural events regularly across many different fields in music, dance and fine arts to showcase their talents in trendy fashion in the Auditorium. The college has its own Musical Band Unison which regularly participates in various contests and has won various prizes. They are provided with some instruments with which they can practice. Dance teams also participated and won prizes thereby exhibiting their talents in the intra and inter college level shows. These cultural activities play a major part in the overall development of the students helping them to evolve into full-fledged and confident professionals by the time they graduate.

The Department of Physical Education plays an important role in shaping the personality and good health of student’s life by providing an environment which measures National standards on campus. The outdoor facilities are 2,90,627sq ft. and indoor facilities are 14,364 sq ft. with proper equipment for all major sports like basketball, football, volleyball, ball badminton, futsal, Cricket, Chess, Table Tennis, and Badminton. Students are motivated to participate in the All India University level, south zone Inter University level Tournaments, Anna University zonal level tournaments, and other open tournaments and have won many awards adding to the prestige of the Institution. Every year Sports day is celebrated in which Inter departmental tournaments are organized. Eminent sports personalities are invited as Chief Guest to honour the outstanding sports persons. Yoga day is celebrated every year to improve the students’ physical and mental faculties.

Gymnasium facilities are available in both boys and girls hostel. It is well equipped with equipment needed for building strength, burning fat, and improving general fitness and for sports conditions. Additional facilities like Hostel, Day care, ATM, Cafeteria, Medical aid, Reprography, Solar panel, RO plant, Sewage treatment plant, Generator, Fire safety, Rain water harvesting, Biogas, E vehicle and security services are provided. College has 61.75 KW Solar PV System and 50 KW inverter support electrical facility.

Hostel can accommodate 500 boys and 200 girls. Single room accommodation is given to the final year and PG students. The mess is spacious with a dining hall and kitchen. Cafeteria serves hygienically prepared vegetarian food to the staff and students. A subsidized mess for boys has been provided. There is a separate Transport department with a fleet of 115 buses, 91 A/C and 24 Non AC buses commuting to all parts of Chennai and neighbouring districts. Transportation and Lunch are provided free of cost to students and staff.

Health Centre has inpatient facility which provides medical care to all the students, staff and faculty at no cost. It is manned by a medical officer, a healthcare assistant with 6 beds and adequately supplied medicine cabinet ensuring quality care. Vaccinations and yearly checks ups are done at this facility.

Security services monitors and controls access to campus, through surveillance and video surveillance, managing parking permit and vehicle identification which provides a safe learning environment for the students, staff, and physical assets, while encouraging positive behavior that fosters academic excellence.


Rajalakshmi Engineering College strives to maintain Academic and Physical facilities for the better utilization of the available resources and to minimize depreciation of the facilities.

The college is having an estate office headed by an Estate Officer to maintain all physical facilities. Systematic procedures have been developed for maintaining the academic facilities. Respective Heads of various departments and Librarian are taking care of academic facilities.

In addition to the available maintenance team of the college, the college also have signed agreement for annual maintenance of Lifts, Diesel Generator sets, etc. Laboratories are cleaned on daily basis. Periodical maintenance of equipment is done regularly on daily / weekly basis while Breakdown maintenance is done in case of failures. Maintenance Register is maintained in all the laboratories of all departments/divisions. Internal stock verification is done every year by a committee constituted by the Principal and follow up action is taken on the committee’s recommendations. All the labs are painted and upkeep of materials is done regularly. Necessary equipment are calibrated periodically.

Classrooms are cleaned and maintained on daily basis. The ICT tools, interactive panels, LCD, Lecture capboards available in the classrooms are maintained by the Centre for Technical Support (CTS) of the college. Estate office is taking care of civil maintenance, electrical maintenance and housekeeping of classrooms.

The college library is classified with different stacks for Science, Humanities, Engineering and Management, reference and competitive examinations. The books are marked with unique accession number and are arranged in respective subject racks.

The Sports Complex is headed by a Physical Director to maintain the sports complex. All sports facilities like play fields, courts, tracks, gym, indoor stadium, etc. are regularly maintained with the help of skilled labours and a marker. The entire sports infrastructure, its stock and maintenance are carried out under the headship of Physical Director and a Physical Directress. 200 m tracks and fields are watered and rolled once in a week. Basketball court is cleaned everyday and painted every year. Futsal court is maintained regularly. Throwball, Volleyball, Ball Badminton Court are watered and markings are done regularly. Also the wood dust powders are sprinkled on the Ground surface. Handball, Hockey and Football fields are cleaned, watered and rolled once in a week. Cricket ground with two net practice area is maintained regularly. Gym equipment are cleaned and lubricated every day. Indoor sports facilities are maintained every day.

Transport department is headed by a Transport Manager. The maintenance works of all Buses, Cars, Vans and Diesel Bunk is taken care of by the Transport department. Reverse Osmosis (RO) treated water is supplied to all the buildings and the maintenance of RO Plant is taken care of by the Estate Officer. Sewage Treatment Plant of the college is run and maintained by a team of technicians.

Housekeeping team of the college is taking care of sweeping around academic buildings, library, hostels, canteens and cafeterias. The large number of trees and plants are maintained by the college to make the campus green. Other facilities like Canteen, Cafeterias, Medical Centre, ATM, Child Day Care, Stores, etc. are maintained periodically.