Global Institute of Engineering and Technology (GIT)

College Rules

General Information

Working Days Monday to Saturday (except Second and Fourth Saturdays)
Working Hours
9.15 A.M. to 4.15 P.M.
9.00 AM. to 6.00 PM. (All working days)
Computer Centre
9.00 A.M. to 06.00 PM (Monday to Saturday)

Rules of Conduct and Discipline

The conduct of each student should be satisfactory.

  • Students should wear clean and simple dress.
  • They should be punctual to classes and attend to their work with devotion. A student cannot leave the class room at his own will or enter the class in session as he/she pleases.
  • Damage of any kind, done to the College property will be viewed seriously. The cost of the same will be recovered from the erring students. Students should maintain the College property as their own. This refers to the maintenance of college buildings, furniture, equipment, electrical fittings, library books etc.
  • Tampering with electrical fitting is not only dangerous but also open to appropriate action.
  • Students should acquaint themselves with the notifications put up on the Notice – Board.
  • Malpractice and misbehavior will be viewed seriously. No meeting shall be organized without getting prior written permission from the Principal.
  • Day-Scholars are not allowed to enter the Hostel without prior permission from the Principal.
  • Breach of any of the above rules will lead to disciplinary action resulting in suspension or expulsion of the student.
  • Usage of Cell Phone by the students is strictly banned inside the college campus. 

Prohibition of Ragging

The students of this Institution are encouraged to maintain cordial relationship with everyone in and around the campus. Ragging is strictly prohibited on and off the college campus. If any student is found involved in the act of ragging, he/she will be severely punished.

Ragging Prohibited as per TamilNadu Government Gazette

The following Act of the TamilNadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of the Governor on 14th February 1997 and is hereby published for general information.

ACT NO.7 of 1997

An Act to prohibit ragging in educational institutions in the State of TamilNadu.

Short title, extent and commencement of Act No.7 of 1997

This Act may be called the TamilNadu Prohibition of Ragging Act 1997

  • It extends to the whole of the State of TamilNadu.
  • It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 19th day of December 1996.


In this Act unless the context otherwise requires. “ragging means display of noisy, disorderly conduct doing any act which causes or is likely to cause physical or psychological harm or raise apprehension or fear or shame or embarrassment to a student in any educational institution and includes.

Teasing, abusing of playing practical jokes on, or causing hurt to such student

Asking the student to do any act or perform something which such student will not in the ordinary course be willingly do.

Penalty for Ragging

Whoever directly or indirectly commits, participates in, abets or propagates “ragging” within or outside of any educational institution, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years and shall also be liable to a fine which may extend to ten thousand rupees.

Dismissal of Student

Any student convicted of an offence under section 4 shall also be dismissed from the educational institution and such student shall not be admitted in any other educational institution.

Suspension of Students

Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions whenever any student complains of ragging to the Head of an educational institution, or to any other person responsible for management of the educational institution, such head of educational institution person responsible for the management of the educational institution shall inquire into the same immediately and if found true shall suspend the student, who has committed the offence, from the educational institution.

The decision of the Head of the educational institution or the person responsible for the management of the educational institution that any student has indulged in ragging under sub section (1) shall be final.

Dress Code

The students are expected to wear decent dress inside the campus. Girls should wear only churidar with dhuppatta or sarees and shoes (Black or Brown Colour). They should put on a overcoat in addition for the workshop classes. Boys should wear full trousers and shirts with decent designs and shoes (Black or Brown Colour).

Students Attendance and Leave

Students should attend the classes regularly.

However, leave of absence will have to be obtained from the Head of the Department in advance, for valid reasons. In case of illness, a medical certificate should accompany the leave application.

Attendance shall be calculated on hour basis ie., in terms of each lecture period.

Attendance in the Examinations, Tests, Assignments and Class is compulsory.

Students who have not earned the required attendance shall not be allowed to appear for the end semester examinations and shall not progress to next semester

Identity Card

An Identity card, displaying the details of the students, is given to every student. All the students are expected to wear the identity card inside the campus.


Wearing helmet is compulsory for all the two wheeler riders and pillion riders

Mobiles Phones

Mobile phones strictly banned by the college

NAAC Accredited with B++ Grade